
I graduated from Purdue University, where I double majored in CS and Math. I competed in capture-the-flag competitions with the b01lers CTF club.


I work at D. E. Shaw & Co. as a software developer. Previously, I interned at Two Sigma and Citrix.


My most recent project is NYTogether, a Chrome extension that modifies the New York Times official crossword website to support multiplayer crossword games.



I just graduated from Purdue, where I was part of some cool clubs and groups.

Purdue logo

Dec. 2022
B.S. in Computer Science
B.S. in Mathematics
GPA: 4.00

B01lers logo

I compete in capture-the-flag competitions with b01lers, where we learn how to hack and solve various cybersecurity challenges.

Reliable and Secure Systems logo

I work in the Reliable and Secure Systems Lab with Sishuai Gong, Edwin Lu, and Prof. Pedro Fonseca on analyzing concurrency bugs in the Linux kernel.



D. E. Shaw logo

At D. E. Shaw & Co., I work on everything from high performance data analysis libraries for quants to large language models for internal use.

Mar 2023 - Present

Two Sigma logo

At Two Sigma, I worked on the Foundational Storage team, where I extended Two Sigma's internal S3 UI (TS3UI) to Google Cloud Storage buckets.

Using my CTF skills, I was also able to find and fix three different cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in various internal services.

May - Aug 2022

Citrix logo

While interning at Citrix, I worked on the App Layering team developing their Composite File System driver using C.

I also worked on internal tools, such as ScanWritableFiles—a Windows shell extension that shows users which files are only on their writable layer.

May - Aug 2021

Google Summer of Code logo

During Google Summer of Code 2020, I developed Crossgrader, a package that lets you switch the architecture of a Debian installation. It is available in the Debian package archive.

May - Aug 2020



I always have something fun in the works. Here are a few of my favorites.

NYTogether logo

NYTogether is a Chrome extension that modifies the New York Times official crossword website to support multiplayer crossword games. The extension hooks into the website's Redux store to get the current game state and sync it with other players.

Scratchpad favicon

Scratchpad lets you jot down notes in your browser, inspired by the simple contenteditable bookmarklet. Notes are automatically saved for later, and you can share your notes with others and collaborate in real-time.

JavaScript Svelte Yjs
Synchronous logo

Synchronous allows you to create temporary collaborative workspaces, quickly. Whenever you need to work on something with somebody else, pop open Synchronous and collaboratively type, draw, or share files.

Python Django JavaScript React
HackQ-Trivia logo

HackQ-Trivia is a Python HQ Trivia bot. It receives HQ Trivia questions through their WebSocket connection and answers the questions automatically using web searches and natural language processing.

Tsunami logo

Tsunami is a covert Windows driver that can read from and write to the memory of any process. It was used to create a proof-of-concept Overwatch aimbot and wallhack.

C C++ Windows Driver Kit