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Redirecting the Discord overlay

Throughout my span of time developing game cheats, I have been obsessed with one thing: stealth. In an ideal world, the most secure overlay would be no overlay, but where’s the fun in that?

Recently, I’ve been improving the security of my own overlay. There are way too many detection vectors for a window you create yourself: window attributes, window titles, you name it. Even more crafty methods of creating an overlay are rumored to be detected, such as window hijacking and hooking other legitimate overlays such as Steam’s in-game overlay.

Sidenote: this post was created for Discord version 0.0.305—the whole overlay system may be subject to change.

Discord uses node.js behind the scenes, and its overlay is just a webpage that connects to the Discord app on your computer through RPCs. The important files that Discord uses are located in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\discord\{version}\modules\discord_overlay2.

The C++ addon module discord_overlay2.node is used to connect and control overlays injected into games. Most of the heavy lifting is done by host.js, which contains the all-important function createRenderer(pid, url).

var Overlay = require('./discord_overlay2.node');
var renderers = {};


function createRenderer(pid, url) {
  if (renderers[pid]) {

  var _require2 = require('url'),
      URL = _require2.URL;

  var urlWithPid = new URL(url);
  urlWithPid.searchParams.append('pid', pid.toString());
  url = urlWithPid.toString();

  renderers[pid] = {
    pid: pid,
    url: 'file://' + __dirname + '/start.html?pid=' + pid.toString(),
    overlayURL: url,
    backoff: new Backoff(1000, 30000),
    window: new BrowserWindow({
      show: false,
      skipTaskbar: true,
      webPreferences: {
        offscreen: true,
        transparent: true,
        nodeIntegration: false,
        preload: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'discord_desktop_core', 'core.asar', 'app', 'mainScreenPreload.js')

  var renderer = renderers[pid];


  if (renderer.window.webContents._setDiscordOverlayProcessId) {

  // "paint" event will be skipped if direct frame delivery is enabled.

  renderer.window.webContents.on('crashed', function (e, killed) {
    Overlay.logMessage('Overlay for pid ' + + ' crashed' + (killed ? ' (killed)' : ''));
    Overlay.sendCommand(, { message: 'relay', _relay: 'renderer_crashed' });
  renderer.window.webContents.on('console-message', function (_event, _level, message, _line_no, _source_id) {
    Overlay.logMessage('OverlayRenderer[' + pid + ']: ' + message);

  renderer.window.webContents.on('paint', function (_event, _dirty, image, _legacy_width, _legacy_height) {
    // [adill] support electron <=1.8.4 which sent a (buffer, width, height) instead of (image)
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(image)) {
      var width = _legacy_width;
      var height = _legacy_height;
      Overlay.sendFramebuffer(, image, width, height);

    Overlay.sendFramebuffer(, image.getBitmap(), image.getSize().width, image.getSize().height);

  renderer.window.webContents.on('new-window', function (e, url) {
    webContentsSend(renderer.window, 'REQUEST_OPEN_EXTERNAL_URL', url);


We can see the overlay is indeed just a webpage that is painted onto the screen. By simply replacing value of the newly created renderer object’s overlayURL property with your own HTML file, you can render whatever you want.

renderers[pid] = {
    pid: pid,
    url: 'file://' + __dirname + '/start.html?pid=' + pid.toString(),
    overlayURL: 'file:///C:/Users/{username}/custom_overlay.html,
    backoff: new Backoff(1000, 30000),
    window: new BrowserWindow({
      show: false,
      skipTaskbar: true,
      webPreferences: {
        offscreen: true,
        transparent: true,
        nodeIntegration: false,
        preload: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'discord_desktop_core', 'core.asar', 'app', 'mainScreenPreload.js')